Memorial for Rich Morey. This is part of a Cherry Capital Hash House Harriers Hash Run. "A Hash in Memory of Rich Morey." All TCTC members are invited. Stick around for a fun hash for Rich or come and be part of the opening ceremony.
Sunday, November 8, 2020, at 2 PM EST
1212 Cass Rd, Traverse City, MI 49685-9141, United States
One of TCTC's great people, Rich Morey, passed on October 19th after a valiant run at cancer. Our hearts are heavy, but we honor his memory with his favorite things: running, silly antics, beer, and song.
We're sending our favorite Viking off to the Norse gods with a magnificent trail.
Circle: Meadow Park Pavilion and Trailhead....which is NEXT DOOR to the address in the location. DO NOT actually go to that address because that is the TCAPS bus garage and that would not go well for you
Time: 2 pm
Dress: warmly, so you can share memories of Rich.
Theme: silly dress, Viking, or another costume optional.
*A coozie for well-hidden libations.
Please be mindful of social distancing, keep your masks handy, and be respectful of other folks' comfort levels.
*Masks required at all times when you are not actively partaking of beverages and/or able to maintain 6 feet distance.
*Bring your own drinking vessel
*Beer is good, but hand sanitizer is the alcohol of choice...BYO and use it often, but we will have some to share
*Depending on the size of the crowd, we may take additional measures to try to space out folks on the trail and minimize congregating.
*We know you love Road Kill (Rich's Hash name) but if you are feeling at all sick (fevers, respiratory symptoms, body aches not explained by yesterday's run, headaches/stomach issues not explained by last night's beers), stay home and post some lovely messages instead to share your memories.